dkiesowpilhoferAmPress Arguably some operations have tried pretty hard to wield the unified power of a chain operation in order to profit (or stabilize) numbers of small local pubs. Frankly, I don't think most of those attempts have been or would be successful...
dkiesowpilhoferAmPress I think the tactics that lead to profitability in local publications are fairly consistent regardless of if upper management is local or national, and mostly it centers around empowering and maintaining local direct sales teams...
dkiesowpilhoferAmPress But I think the blueprints for technical success *can* be translated to local in better ways then they have been. There are ways large companies have made their methods more efficient & effective on the biz side that are not solely dependent on scale to be implemented.
dkiesowpilhoferAmPress The biggest obstacle I've seen local pubs hit is trying to make the economics of scale national publications rely on for programatic ads work for them. That's never going to happen without a shift in how the model applies on their end.
dkiesowpilhoferAmPress Also, national management is expensive for chains and that can be an insurmountable problem when national management is bad management.