Facebook appears to be privileging some methods of forwarding/redirect links over others. The redirects I run on Chronoto(dot)pe are no longer read as a passthrough URL on share cards (though it is in the Open Graph debugger, weird) but bitly and YOURLS methods are read as legit.
Unclear on why this is the case. Was Facebook seeing a lot of link-fraud through faking Canonical values? That seems very unlikely. No one ever reported on it as far as I can see. But then to not respect that value is... odd.
Not sure if response code 200 is required, but a 301 style redirect apparently is. Notable that if your business includes 'framing' other sites this would have an impact on you as well. I'll have to play around and see what happens.
(In case you are curious, the reason I don't use a 301 redirect on Chronoto dot pe is so I can collect more detailed analytics.)