“People definitely stress-Juul. But everything we do is like Tide Pods. Everyone in this generation is semi-ironically, like, We’re ready to die.” newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/14/the-promise-of-vaping-and-the-rise-of-juul
“Thirteen hundred people die from smoking every day [..] Imagine three jumbo jets crashing every single day with no survivors. But because this happens slowly and quietly, thirty or forty years after people start smoking, we no longer notice and we no longer care.”
"Nihilism is zeitgeist, spirit of the times right now [...] because there’s been a huge failure of all the institutions that were supposed to provide knowledge and standard of living for the citizenry.” theawl.com/2017/08/theres-always-death-to-look-forward-to/