We will probably never get a Green Arrow film, especially because Hawkeye will likely beat them to the super hero archer line; so you know what would be cool? Take Quiver and use it for the basis of the next Batman film.
I mean seriously, think about how post the inevitable universe reboot you could use tiny reworking of Quiver's supporting cast to back Batman and an audience into the next Justice League.
Also, easy framework to make Robin a woman and give her Mia's back story to solidify a tone transition to bring people from the 'everything is terrible' to 'we're a comic book!'
Kill Green Lantern in the Flash rebooting of the universe to half ass a Zero-Hour style back story and have the f*cking Spectre All Up In There.
Sub in Wonder Woman for Black Canary and give all the JLA-cartoon-watching-nerds the Wonder Woman/Batman sexual tension you know they and the WB executives want to slide in there so bad.
Oh and finally.... Mothafking Liberal Batman We all understand that Green Arrow is basically exactly Batman to begin with; the only exception being he's a liberal; so just DO IT. B/c that is prob the only way you're going to transform the DC Cinematic Universe successfully.
(PS: Keep in Shade; but cut out whoever you could turn Roy Harper in to, b/c that's just too many people for one movie anyway)
Oh and uhhh... for the whole memory loss bit, kill the weird Superman resurrection thing and make it that Spectre preserved original Batman's mind from Flashpoint and Batman has to make this journey not to rediscover his past but to understand the new DC Film Universe. BOOM
(And the really great thing here is that if the movie doesn't work they can just do the Superman thing they did with the last comic reboot and be like... oh that was pre-reboot Batman carried over but also over there is a Post Reboot Batman. Then you get two Batmans yo)
(Also also... like then we can have Batman wake up poor; have a Batman reboot with no origin story; and not have Batman compete for the Rich Person Gets Hurt And Decides to Fight Crime in-film storyline that you know... sorry buuuuuut Iron Man kind of owns right now.)
Ahhh and Batman's brain hopping around after a universe reboot is already a thing that happened in the comic so HOOOOOOKS
Just open the damn film with this scene BUT WITH BATMAN
Ahhh man I am now pretty down that there will never be a Batman film as good as the one I'm writing in my head right now.
Ahh this scene, but with Batman and you keep crazy surf bro Aquaman as Jason Momoa but you Definitely give him the hook hand... because this is a comic book movie and HOOK HAND.
Small story, large backdrop, lots of guest stars, origin without an origin story. Perfect for a Phase 1 V2 film; and I mean isn't Kevin Smith's work on Quiver basically equivalent in impact on the DC line as Bendis's work in the Ultimate-verse at Marvel?
Also, while I'm thinking about this... you know what would be a great way to help bring the kids back to DC? Replace Etrigan with an older version of Raven. BUT MAKE HER RHYME GDIT.
(And cast her with like... a pop star. Someone who genuinely has a voice that can make that ridiculous rhyming thing sound *good*)