Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 87,175

        1. …in reply to @metaviv
          metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis There's a good in depth dive into Google and the Authorship metric here - I wrote about the value, past and future of it here - As for the fraud question...
          OpenGraph image for image for
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis Though the adoption and depreciation came through head of webspam it was never stated by Google that depreciation was, at least in part, because of fraud. But informal conversations, as well as background and research info, indicated strongly that was the case...
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis This seemed especially likely because publishers who launched quickly into authorship saw significant traffic upticks that fell as clearly fraudulent sites used it to get much higher on SERPs...
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis At the end of the project, a quick search made it clear content fraudsters had adopted it faster than legit publishers. (Low adoption metrics in that first article reflect that as well) and fraudsters were using it to help rotational sites* climb higher faster.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis *Rotational sites being those that spawn up to exploit a DFP/AdX ID until they get caught and then reappear under a different domain to get a different programmatic ID.
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        metaviv jonkeegan journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis Google prob weighed it too heavily as well. Google's self reporting of this aside, sites I worked on along with one worked on by folks I talked to reported upticks of search traffic with authorship implementation at the beginning of the project of as high as 70%.

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