jonkeegan metaviv journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis I agree, I'm very much pro this. I've even proposed in the past that publishers establish in their metadata which copy editors and editors worked on a piece and for how long. I think that data would be great to have on page.
jonkeegan metaviv journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis Especially because it would allow publishers to better understand the worth of copy editing by attaching metrics to it. That's a whole other story though.
jonkeegan metaviv journethics CraigSilverman emilybell craignewmark mosseri _trustproject Mantzarlis That said, I'm just not ready to push it as an automated verification mechanism for platforms without some real sense of risks and how fraud can be handled.