'What we ask publishers to do: 1. Create a snapshot of referenced resources in a public web archive. Ex: archive.org , archive.is, perma.cc, WebCite' Why multiple archives? They're just websites that can go away too. #DTMH2017
Then decorate your links with: - a URI of archived snapshot. - datetime of archiving. - original URL. Can look like
as props on a link to an archive. #DTMH2017 -
An API to handle this - robustlinks.mementoweb.org/api/json/{url-of-archived-snapshot} And a spec robustlinks.mementoweb.org/spec/ #DTMH2017
Can visit archived, immutable version of referenced resource. Original URI and capture datetime allow for discovery of versions of a URL in a page. And it is uniform and machine readable. #DTMH2017