Everyone has to have their own metadata standard woooooo
I once sat in a conference session where I argued for the necessity of standardizing metadata across academic disciplines...
Most we could agree on was we theoretically could really use a metadata standard to inform parsers which metadata standard was being used.
The metadata of metadata, a specification that never came to be, but I still think we could use it.
Working with academics, I've built parsers for at least 4 or 5 different metadata standards which essentially hold the same data.
How many ways can you describe "this is a journal title"? It turns out a lot of ways.
I still have freaking nightmares about TEI, which is, I'm sorry, indefensible. folgerdigitaltexts.org/download/teisimple/Ham.xml
As far as I can tell, though there is some auto-complete assistance, some poor grad student wrote all that XML by hand?