blaine I would love to see the ad world deformed by AMP also, but that's not where Google is heavy in its push for the product.
blaine I just don't have that much of a problem with apps exactly. Eventually the shine wears off and 90% of mobile happens in browsers-ish areas.
blaine There's a big problem with in-app browsers though, but that is another thread.
blaine And then a big problem with when the Open Web is being hijacked by use of non-standards pushed w/monopoly power.
blaine I didn't like it when Firefox adopted and pushed things not on the commonly accepted standard. And I like Google doing it even less.
blaine For the record, I don't like iOS at all, but I don't think it blocked web development. I think devs have banner blindness as bad as users
blaine And if you're blind to the problem you don't fix it. Apps didn't increase or decrease that blindness.