Medium will fail to on-board & keep pubs from now until eternity for a simple reason: as a VC funded startup it values hype more than profit
B/c it values hype over profit, every move to make money is afterthought, its least innovative features. Chronotope/844941681359310848
Medium's basic premise as a company is 'what if tech solves publishing, because publishers are stupid' Chronotope/817750258251956224
It's basic design sense was 'design is stupid, what if tech solved design?' which is dumb and ends up with Chronotope/844946787274252289
It's basic pitch is 'what if we gave writers confidential closed source tech instead of money?' Chronotope/844944178043895809
Of course publishers are leaving Medium. It's because, philosophically, Medium doesn't believe that publishers should A. exist & B. profit.
Medium won't prioritize the tools publishers need because for-profit writing organizations are inimical to the model axios.com/publishers-flee-medium-amid-business-model-changes-2440471520.html
It's just like Uber briefly having a Taxi booking function. It won't work well because Taxis and Ubers cannot coexist in Uber's biz model.
By the same measure, the Medium business model isn't compatible with publishing companies exceeding one employee.
The irony here for such a 'culture' focused business field is that Medium shares no values with publishers, thus: Chronotope/873709551618596865
VCs value hype over profitability, so Medium gets money by releasing stunt features w/no intention of follow up Chronotope/817046256228909057
Even with PSMag paying for traffic it never reached it's pre-Medium search footprint and will have a hard time getting it back.
Because Medium wanted hype, it likely paid for publishers to come on. But in long term it won't have been worth it. wfederman/795627673821315073
For Medium strong good hype makes them profitable & bad barely hurts them, because that's the VC model. Remember?: hblodget/701927661623517184
The Ringer left on May 30th. No one is reporting 'Big loss for Medium, they lost The Ringer' because that's not how VC-funded startups work.
They raise money on hype and if someone leaves the platform, they just "didn't get it" or "weren't patient enough" or "bad partners".
Medium wants a Facebook-style closed-garden in which individual writers = dependent contractors. Publishers were foolish to trust them.
And chasing the theoretical and entirely temporary money that Medium offered initially was bad b/c it won't be enough to cover the losses:
Publishers who hopped on and off of Medium will have to rebuild infrastructure, find previously fired engineers, unbreak SEO...
They will have intangible losses like Medium's insulation and incomparability with Facebook, broken backlinks, and confused readers...