kristoncapps I didn't even say I'm NIMBY. Just that there are more dimensions to both sides.
kristoncapps I'm a millennial who rents and doesn't believe in home ownership. I'm at a different angle than most anyway.
kristoncapps My concerns are about market inflation and neighborhood stability. I see two things:
kristoncapps 1. I am a gentrifier and I know that. 2. That there are good and bad methods to increase supply & the bad ones push people out
kristoncapps I know, for example, that I am in a neighborhood (LIC) where increasing supply has only increased gentrification b/c...
kristoncapps ... all the increased supply comes in at higher prices than the last wave.
kristoncapps I also reported on the economics of the housing crash and I know what an unsustainable bubble looks like when I see it.
kristoncapps AND I know that the next housing crash will likely be worse than the last one. But it doesn't have to be unavoidable.
kristoncapps But without strong market-aware regulations, real estate markets lag, which means it adapts slowly to changes.