I don't know. Is it better or worse that Facebook isn't paying a bunch of journalistic organizations for their journalistic fact checking?
I feel like this is a rules of economics question. Facebook is increasing the supply but not the value... t/f the value of facts goes down?
This reminds me of {that thing with gamers & journalists} where shitty critics claimed: getting paid intrinsically compromised journalists.
That's where this is right? I mean that's what Facebook is saying here: the work that fact checkers do is compromised if they get paid?
This is what people with the whole 'Facebook should have editors' argued for. News orgs doing more work for no extra money.
Economics note: More product, same total revenue for product = product is worth less. Congrats, now Facebook REALLY IS devaluing journalism.
Soooo Facebook agrees with Gamer[you know] that Journalism is intrinsically compromised by getting paid?
Because I have some STRONG THOUGHTS on that. Mainly that it is WRONG.
Giving away product for free on a new transmission platform w/no thought to how it compromises the business model? Chronotope/755902268436733953
Enjoy figuring out your mistake 20 years from now *again*, if the planet isn't a burning husk by then.
The media industry...
Gah. This just gets more right daily. niemanlab.org/2016/12/the-people-running-the-media-are-the-problem/