sonyaellenmann robleathern If they can't pay copy editors, or if they have to push their writers to produce more content for same $$$.
sonyaellenmann robleathern Could be that readers are repelled by Medium but more likely in that case it would be they don't scroll down...
sonyaellenmann robleathern ... & t/f never deliver impressions to the sponsored content units in the footer that drive revenue on Medium.
sonyaellenmann robleathern Medium is a bundle of bad ideas wrapped up in excellent marketing & good lift. Could be anything causing issues
sonyaellenmann robleathern Assuming there are issues. Alexa is a useful indicator, but with no real reporting from the pubs, it is a big ?
sonyaellenmann robleathern Content analysis is a useful tool, but difficult and time consuming to do.