Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 69,804

    1. MRSS is dumb. kthxbye
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    Seriously, it has been *depreciated* why are we all still using this mess?
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      How do Media RSS categories work? No one knows b/c entire video space is just copy/pasting 10+ year old code samples
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        Yahoo invented MRSS in 2004, generations of technology before today, and even they don't care about it anymore. Stop. Using. MRSS.
        1. …in reply to @Chronotope
          MRSS: great example of what happens when you write a standard & don't think 'huh what would it be as an object instead of bullshit XML?'
          1. …in reply to @Chronotope
            Gah, why do people keep making terrible video services with awful technology. Write non-shit video code, this isn't that hard
            1. …in reply to @Chronotope
              Thanks for this super useful MRSS sample:

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