By the time AI is good enough to auto report well-researched cogent relevant stories from smart dust-input capitalism will be over, ok?
There are no consumer-market-ready VR devices. Until there are any VR reporting you do will be an exercise in art, not a revenue source.
By the time you can cheaply maintain AI to produce meaningful news videos, fraudsters will be one year out from doing the same sans ethics
Zero production cost journalism is inherently self-defeating. The question is how do we produce and signal quality profitably right now.
If we move into fields w/care for speed and advantage over quality we drive perception of value down. If we had done FB Chat Bots right...
...they might *might* have been profitable. But they're already disliked, a joke, boring, useless, annoying. Interactive audio could be next
Dear news orgs: I love my Amazon Echo. Don't screw it up by racing to the bottom of content and advertising quality.
I only hope Amazon continues to show the control and care of its ecosystem that Facebook neglected to.