You'll see there that one of the top "Trending" posts in the Tim Cook Karaoke trend is a Reuters article that has nothing to do w/the video
But some clever person in Reuters social team realized name-checking the video (& the trend) in the body of the post put it into that Trend.
Ok, pretty much confirmed that 3rd degree friendship is a valid way for entry into a Facebook Trend page. That's: a friend's friend's friend
An additional observation I've noted of late: it seems that the least strong connection on a Facebook Trend page is the Live video slot.
That said, the Reuters post was in the top 7 trending for that Trend. Higher up in Signal? This Satire post: facebook.com/137723270230/posts/10157340024065231
That said, I'm not really clear how much of a relationship is between Signal's Trending Topics' posts list and what people see...
... For Gary Johnson slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/09/08/no_one_knows_what_aleppo_is.html is my top story on my personal account but not in the first 70 Signal posts for that Topic.
Though! A screenshot of the corrections and a post discussing them was in the top 3 on Signal for that topic.
BTW: Signal now allows you to publish Display Collections of posts... I don't really get the point of this though: signal.fb.com/instawall/index.html?id=10102408522733087&collectionId=10102408522733087-33a38bb8-ca26-43fb-a039-0a68cedd514e&hero=true&nobig=true&author=false&smallname=true&boldname=false&picker=false&portrait=false&iglogo=bottomright&iglogosize=75&maxup=2
That's a collection created from the top 50ish Tim Cook Karaoke posts in Signal's page for that trend.