AnnaTarkov Yeah, my big objection: OSX reinforces the class problems already an issue in the world of media (see theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/06/america-rich-write-about-poverty )
AnnaTarkov This isn't even getting into the issues of labor abuse by Apple, or conflict minerals which are used by much of tech as well.
AnnaTarkov Or their creation of closed garden ecosystems like iTunes or Apple News that work against the ideals of open data and code.
AnnaTarkov Or the terrible effect of the App Store economy on independent developers and open source.
AnnaTarkov Or the basic problems of not having access to the insides of your own machines and how that creates issues and concerns.
AnnaTarkov Or the issues that come from pretending that OSX is obscure enough for that to be its own security.
AnnaTarkov There are a lot of problems that I have with Apple. Inequality is one. But also the worries that come from vertical integration