Whoa, just noticed that on Facebook's Signal the Trending Now column used to regularly show between 150-210 stories. Today it only has 60.
When bluechoochoo and I examined Trending Now in May there were significantly more stories: medium.com/@aramzs/some-brief-notes-on-what-journalists-see-in-trending-on-facebooks-signal-6b8b8ed8e7ea#.yci424yli
Also notable in Trending Now column: whereas before there were rarely any stories older than 2 days, the mix of 'current' is very different.
Of the now 66 stories overall in Trending Now, 59 are labeled as having occurred "a few seconds ago". The remaining 7 are >= 3 days old
The Business & War/Terrorism sections of Trending aren't visible atm. Is no one talking about those topics right now or are they gone?
So it looks like this may have somewhat been a correction. Trending Now in Signal is today up to 111 stories.
Overall count is still low, not sure if there's a cache that needs to be filled or if it is intentional under the new process.
Today Signal is at 129 stories trending, so it seems likely that after the Kelly incident Facebook dumped its database and started clean.
So Signal's Trending Now has stayed between 100-150 topics. This means regularly 50-100 less than under the previous system for Trending.
Also notable, a big spike in
a day
and2 days
ago in Trending. Further supports that theory. -
Interesting, I wonder if this implies a Time component to Facebook trending not present in Trend algos like Twitter's?
Which is to say: with the fill coming back so slowly, is it possible that 'popularity' + 'time sustained' is required for some trends?
Or, alternatively, perhaps only a certain number of trends are allowed to be added each day?