Both link to the original. QZ strips out the author's bio. Though many Medium articles are CC, this particular original is not.
I guess this is like the new version of the race to post the latest John Oliver video?
Ah, found the author - KRicou - I'm super curious about this, would you mind an email or DM to find out more?
Amusing: thinkpiece Slate wrote to react to the essay doesn't even link to original essay, but to the qz repub. slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2016/08/22/quartz_essays_says_women_drink_because_patriarchy.html?cachebusterTimestamp=1472072255378
Additional info on this: dlind/768543915532222468
Also, looks like the author didn't have control over the re-headlining in at least one case kricou/768512035764047872
More info added on to this chain: both contacted the author kricou/768590827983482880