nattsuhon What, turning off Javascript to get a 1994 web? The problem isn't that they want a 1994 web, they want a modern one. That costs.
nattsuhon They want a free independent media, that costs. They want innovation on the net, that costs. They want social media, that costs.
nattsuhon I don't think it is crazy to assume that 99% of ad blocker users want to use the web tools they are blocking ads on...
nattsuhon ... otherwise why be on there to begin with? If that's the case than there has to be some other way to keep them running...
nattsuhon ... and since they are part of the ecosystem as users or providers of used software (ad blockers) they have vested interest in it
nattsuhon If you play in the sandbox, you need sand to play in. Someone has to bring sand. An empty box is an entirely different thing.