ManiGandham No one has a solution that works for every publisher. What about hyper local? Do you detect and avoid sentiment conflicts?
ManiGandham Can I vend and track native that looks right on my site? Give advertisers templates so it looks correct? Can I split mobile?
ManiGandham Can users report ads easily? Can publishers ban bad advertisers easily? Do you detect bad javascript? Too many external calls?
ManiGandham How do you stop black hats who make it through your system from filling out their inventory with other networks?
ManiGandham Do you have something less shitty than VAST? How do you help advertisers who need to host video?
ManiGandham What if I want to sell packages that include ads on social networks? Can I manage snapchat sales? What about live video?
ManiGandham Good ad tech would be a toolbox, not a blackbox. Anything else is 2 degrees from being compromised or evolved past.