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  1. …in reply to @pbannist
    pbannist humanpropensity AdtechGod barry_adams1 shopaditi ID5_io criteo LiveRamp TheTradeDesk IPONWEB Yeah, I 100% agree, especially because on a technical level basically nothing distinguishes these ID schemes, so it is all about what demand they can sign up. UID2 has notable technical differences, but also harder to adopt effectively and I haven't seen a ton of requests for it.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      pbannist humanpropensity AdtechGod barry_adams1 shopaditi ID5_io criteo LiveRamp TheTradeDesk IPONWEB Also worth noting a new phenomenon I've seen a bunch over the past few months: UUIDs that are really UID2 with a specific encryption envelope and a fancy brand name. I guess that's sort of the point of their approach, but I suspect it'll make pitching it as itself harder.
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        pbannist humanpropensity AdtechGod barry_adams1 shopaditi ID5_io criteo LiveRamp TheTradeDesk IPONWEB IMO this is all just deck chairs on the Titanic. Multiple browsers have pledged to intervene against these signals client side and,...
        1. …in reply to @Chronotope
          pbannist humanpropensity AdtechGod barry_adams1 shopaditi ID5_io criteo LiveRamp TheTradeDesk IPONWEB while that's theoretically a good argument for server side bidding operations, most pubs don't have the resources or incentive to switch until 3p is fully dead and if they wait that long the lag time to switch will likely kill all but the most stubborn UUIDs as supply goes dead.

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