Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 156,081

  1. …in reply to @robinberjon
    robinberjon swodinsky montezumachavez RobertJBateman dmarti alextcone Ryanbarwick aexm atgrote cwarzel I don't know. I think in a lot of ways the right model to think about this is that we live in an enormous worldwide company town. The goals are observation, extraction *and* control. The old models of early industrialization haven't changed that much.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      robinberjon swodinsky montezumachavez RobertJBateman dmarti alextcone Ryanbarwick aexm atgrote cwarzel That said, I'm not familiar with what you mean by 18C corporation here?

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