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        1. …in reply to @Rich_Harris
          Rich_Harris Yeah, def agree that not all countries will be hit the same. It's unfortunate that the top of that thread opens with Korea, when my criticism is more about the western EU countries it discusses down thread.
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        Rich_Harris Tho, I dislike (you are not the only one to do so!) when people refer to this as a Children of Men dystopia. The movie deals w/mass infertility due to medical issues, but so much of the modern population drop seems to be b/c of economic stuff that can be much more easily fixed...
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      Rich_Harris Putting aside the fact that tho the causes are not particularly explicit in the movie, and likely in part due to issues of pollution or medical failures because of poor healthcare systems (big leaps but not much to consider there). But in today's world...
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    Rich_Harris So much of the reporting around why people are not having kids has to do with economic insecurity. These are problems FAR more easily fixed than Children of Men which makes it sort of a poor framing device for discussion, regardless of theoretical similarity in consequences.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      Rich_Harris The answer for this problem, where it might be an actual problem, is very clearly to start curbing the worse excesses of the capitalist economy that makes giving birth expensive, dangerous, difficult for employment, and having a child difficult to support.
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