Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 155,208

    1. …in reply to @alextcone
      alextcone robinberjon atgrote swodinsky Ryanbarwick montezumachavez RobertJBateman aexm Yeah, I suspect that to be the case. But arguably the Facebook pixel *looks* bad even if you can wrangle a way to use it under CCPA opt-out safely so a lot of folks are likely going to de-risk by removing it on opt-out.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    alextcone robinberjon atgrote swodinsky Ryanbarwick montezumachavez RobertJBateman aexm Getting investigated costs money even if you're innocent and Facebook's pixel has (for good reason) a bad rap, so why even take the chance of upsetting someone with it when the opted out features don't give you much anyway?

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