Lol what a load of bullshit
Look, you really can't go around saying 'citizens don't care about privacy because they use privacy invasive products' because it doesn't acknowledge the fact that users *really* don't have a choice. It also doesn't acknowledge their despair at ever fixing the problem.
As always, the right answer is to watch: youtube.com/watch?v=fCUTX1jurJ4
Your privacy *isn't gone* and you don't have to *give up your phone* for privacy (which wouldn't work anyway). We can make regulations, we can take measures, we can do all sorts of stuff. Pretending that privacy is a lost cause is an attempt to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And also, lol, Google has a *service* even if they don't resell your data. There are a ton of Google products and they all mostly work without your personal data being pushed to everyone in the world.
A bias towards just making as much money as possible is a *political bias* and it is a specific and *particular* political bias!
Just because you are smaller than Google doesn't automatically make you virtuous as a company ok?
Absolutely. Break up big tech. Finally something I agree with.
Taking sexy photos of yourself on Instagram has nothing to do with privacy OR like... *living in a society*. People can do what they want with themselves... blaming the user is *bullshit*.
If you age gate every platform based on attention that's like... the whole internet buddy. Do you know who you are talking to?
Oh, people don't like ads you say? /I wonder why that's the case./ Oh, ad supported businesses are getting hammered? /I wonder why that's the case?/ Could it have something to do with privacy?
hmmm newspapers don't work and the only way they can work is with a benign billionaire running it but they're really important for society you say? Maybe the problem is... capitalism?
Wait Netflix shouldn't be doing ads because ads is bad but their main competitor is TikTok who is so successful they're lying about how successful they are and they're ad funded help something isn't adding up.
Truly some baffling contradictory positions here.
We're now facing a harrowing new danger of device addition turning my kids into assholes / Big Tech didn't create conflict you know / what's the problem with limiting info access? / Big tech has done nothing new / We should do the BBC / Ad supported media is a great biz model wut
truly a confused cavalcade of wtf