Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 143,982

      1. How you can tell the opinion section has begun to turn on Sheryl Sandberg - I've started to see news articles with social share images of her shot from below.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      This is my favorite media literacy trick. Every major news maker has a million photos of them from every angle, so the choice of a particular angle tells you a lot about the attached piece's tone in the mind of whoever is adding the photo, consciously or subconsciously...
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    Full body photos don't say much without specific style or lighting choices, but close on the face or shoulder-up photos, the angle is everything. If their eyeline is off to the side, they're uncentered, and shot from below, people are not thinking well of them.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      Zuckerberg always looks terrible in photos, but you can see it happen to him too. This article is from a critical WSJ article, but you don't need the hed, the photo tells all, doesn't he just look... somehow more sinister?
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        Compare that to a photo from 9 years ago, straight on, eyeline isn't into the camera, but it isn't away from it either.
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @Chronotope
          I enjoy this little, likely often subconscious tics of photo choice because they're prob not even thought about most of the time, just a lifetime of photo and film language in your head screwing with your subconscious.

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