simonw mkramer Twitter If you wanted to get a site's subs to work in an in-app browser smoothly you'd need the app to have a line into the site's login system, it would need to manage users's logins or at least share the email to the site, and potentially auth with that site and then store that auth...
simonw mkramer Twitter Anyway, the shitty middle option that some are pushing people into is to push any opening of a link (in any app) to trigger a the publisher's app (which can maintain auth and the system can set as a handler for that URL) which is the imperfect solution for an imperfect world...
simonw mkramer Twitter (In case you are curious, here's some info on how Twitter Blue works - help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-blue-ad-free-articles#adfreehow )