Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 142,754

    1. …in reply to @swodinsky
      swodinsky YouTube, it's *all* over my YouTube. Any video-game related content I get at least one of three ad campaigns, two for some sort of Man Soap, another of a set of Manscaped ads, and then occasionally Star Wars Soap. Also, a few game vlogers/streamers have Manscaped host reads.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    swodinsky One of the folks I watch for gaming news has a *minute and a half* long host read ad for Manscaped along with a partner link. It's *wild*. I don't understand... how much uhhh lower-half shaving do they think The Gamers are doing?
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    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      swodinsky The host read is crazy, but also I'm sure you could find some of the standard Manscaped ads and they are pretty weird too.

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