Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 134,496

    1. …in reply to @TravelingAnna
      TravelingAnna ShortFormErnie acookiecrumbles seangriffey litmusapp I think *all* iPhone native email apps have to use Webkit to render their emails? If so some restrictions that operate at the level of ITP (IP blocking for instance) will spread to other apps, while other measures (loading email assets pre-open) are unlikely to be required.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    TravelingAnna ShortFormErnie acookiecrumbles seangriffey litmusapp Good thought though... esp. with the idea of: to what extent could ATT be used to *require* email apps to emulate more behavior than just the stuff they could build into Webkit.

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