Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 133,806

        1. …in reply to @alextcone
          alextcone Apple ATT WarnerMedia Basically they aren't small any more because the regulatory environment changed. But people have continually had concerns with the overgrowth of the telephone companies, it just hasn't been mirrored by legislative priorities in the same way concerns with Facebook has.
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        alextcone Apple ATT WarnerMedia But that isn't 100% the case, look at the outcry in regard to network neutrality! Or the push around maintaining access to the fiber. Or municipal networks. Or the Equitable Internet Initiative ( ) or community Mesh Networks!
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    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      alextcone Apple ATT WarnerMedia I think that there is still plenty of outrage out there over the return to trust-like behavior by telephone companies and lots of thinking about what the impact is, but it's especially frustrating because we basically were going the right direction and reversed course in the 90s.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    alextcone Apple ATT WarnerMedia I think there's both a very clear yes to your historical question and a present push towards criticism in the new forms they take today. And even when it comes to the question of actual devices and their impact, the push for more "simple" phones shows modern concerns are active.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      alextcone Apple ATT WarnerMedia I think it is not so much that people can only be outraged about a limited number of things (I say as someone outraged about a lot of things) but more that the newshole only has room to talk about a few of them at a time.

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