robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel It is if the technology used to do so is fundamentally invasive, immoral or exploitative of targeted users, then yes its use is inappropriate. Making dollar costs go down by levering any available technology is not the only way. Ethical concerns about this technology are relevant
robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel I could buy a gun, it's a wonderful piece of technology, but just because bullet manufacturing is cheap doesn't mean I should go around shooting bullets in random directions. Just because we can use a technology or do so cheaply, doesn't make it moral or appropriate.
robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel And that's doubly so when they involve marketing tools, even Facebook has acknowledged that putting cheap tools for highly effective persuasion can be dangerous in the wrong or hidden hands.
robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel I don't think anyone would argue that Facebook isn't very good at making marketing tools cheaper and more effective but, just because they can, doesn't mean they should.