Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 113,310

      1. …in reply to @robleathern
        robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel I mean come on, Facebook's platform has captured the internet time and attention of a huge majority chunk of users, then tweaks to the feed algorithm to mostly hide pages that don't pay. It isn't about the value offered, it's about dealing with FB's control of the audience...
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel It clearly isn't that these tools are required in normal everyday marketing, but that Facebook has created a world where those tools are required and leveraged its majority of users to become the one of the least expensive venues for marketing. It's a situation created by FB.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    robleathern slpng_giants profcarroll cwarzel Nonprofits especially don't have a lot of choices because of the duty to spend their money most effectively. Facebook ads have become one of the most effective per dollar spent by leveraging detailed targeting, but that doesn't make that method *right*.

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