I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a win?! Who the hell is Vice working with that asks to block "feminist", "gay", "transgender" or "Muslim?!? I've never heard of a publisher blocking those terms. Not ever. *Why was Vice?!?!* adage.com/article/special-report-newfronts/vice-unblocks-words-including-gay-fat-and-muslim-its-bid-get-advertisers-reconsider-whats-brand-safe/2168376?utm_campaign=meetedgar&utm_medium=social&utm_source=meetedgar.com
This is supposed to be framed as some sort of BRAVE MOVE by Vice, but honestly, it says a *lot* about Vice and the type of people & advertisers they work with that these terms were ever blocked to begin with.
Honestly, I know that, with one of their founders turning out to be an actual Nazi, Vice has some low bars to clear. But seriously... WTF?!