Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 97,613

      1. So, while I code I watch TV in the background. Usually I put on stuff that is interesting but meh quality. Right now I've got on Iron Fist season two which has mostly been even worse than the first one--which is saying something. But...
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      I'm on S2:E6 & they've finally given Colleen Wing (played by Jessica Henwick) her own fight scene & holy shit is this the first well lit real fight scene in the entire set of Marvel Netflix shows? It's freaking fantastic. I'm assuming that she's the only one with real training?
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    I'm watching this on my phone which means the fight scenes, most of which basically visual nonsense I mostly ignore, because on a small screen it is too dark to know anything that is going on...
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      But when her sequence started I stoped & picked up my phone because it was visible, legible & bad-ass. Give Colleen Wing her own fight scene in every episode. Give Jessica Henwick her own show. I'd be saving this show to watch on my TV if even half the fights looked this good.
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        Also... she's the only one in the entire Iron Fist cast that looks likes she's enjoying herself. It is like a breath of fresh air.

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