Chronotope’s avatarChronotope’s Twitter Archive—№ 96,133

        1. …in reply to @Chronotope
          can't TiVO a preroll app ad can you you millennial mofo?!?1 take that you wirecutter
      1. …in reply to @Chronotope
        The pathway from 'easily fast forward through TV ads' -> 'all your TV is individual apps now' is one of those nightmare scenarios that no one really could have predicted at the beginning but makes perfect sense in retrospect.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      Anyway... I look forward to the moment when someone builds a TiVo for Roku apps that records the incoming stream and lets you play it sans preroll because you know that is going to happen.
  1. …in reply to @Chronotope
    Where does this sort of thing end up? How do we get consumers to understand creative work they want to consume cost money to create & if they want to watch it they need to pay for it in ads or subscriptions (or both)? TV faces down the crisis the rest of media is already under.
    1. …in reply to @Chronotope
      In many ways I feel like making the advertising process and the cost/benefit more transparent is the core of the answer. Consumers should know what they are paying for in more exact numbers if we want them to feel a need to pay it, be their payment in money, attention or data.

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