IMO - Transparency is better. Brands will adapt. Just imagine this crazy idea: they end up having to compete on building better products instead of marketing tricks? MikeIsaac/1012771314220687360
But also you better believe I'm going to start peeking at what other publishers are doing.
Wow the NYTimes is really into advertising their food content. Like... REALLY into it - facebook.com/pg/nytimes/ads/?ref=page_internal
Holy crap The New York Times *COOKS* webrecorder.io/aramzs/facebook-publisher-ads/20180629213027/https://www.facebook.com/pg/nytimes/ads/?ref=page_internal
109 different individual ads from NYTimes on Facebook. Topics: mostly food, some crosswords, a few news.
The only ad from The Atlantic is for one of their Sponsored Content posts. facebook.com/pg/TheAtlantic/ads/?ref=page_internal
Vox is All About those sponsored content videos - facebook.com/pg/Vox/ads/?ref=page_internal
I don't know wtf this Gizmodo ad is about, but I feel like I don't have the requisite shrooms. facebook.com/pg/gizmodo/ads/?ref=page_internal