Tests for personal Facebook page 'share-via-link post' vs 'share-via-post with link in comment' progress. Testing with control tomorrow. For second week in a row traditional link posts generate single digit percents of comment-link posts. Hypothesis seems to be proving out.
Seems to me to be extremely likely that Facebook's algorithm has de-prioritized personal posting of links. The idea is likely that humans are responsible for misinformation so simply decrease their reach.
That's a dumb idea by the way. But whatttttttevvvvvver.
Notably, my two pages have shown some interesting results. The two pages work as follows: they share the same links with pullquotes but one shares the original links, the other shares versions that forward through my site, which FB now identifies as a separate URL.
Previously, the page sharing original URLs outperformed the one sharing custom URLs. But the two appear to be switching places. Seems likely that Facebook is moving to favor shared link posts by pages who 'own' the site the link is to.
Anyway... my test group as always is small so take what you will from this.